Monday, February 8, 2010

Don't Let Apprehension Stand In The Way Of Your Private Pilot License

There are possibly several things keeping you from getting your private pilot license. One of them might be fear.

Fears are normal. All of us have them. Many people won't confess to having them, but they are certainly there. And after we decide to do something out of the ordinary, it can be an exciting time. But with that exhilaration frequently comes fear. The reason, the main reason...fear of failure.

It is not a pleasant sensation to fail at something. If you failed your driver's test the very first time you took it I bet you can recollect the feeling. That sensation of being down in all probability stayed with you until you finally passed. It's possibly still with you a little to this day.

The fear of failure is without doubt one of the worst feelings in the world. No one enjoys failing.

Now that many of us recognize how awful the fear of failure is, let's take a look at ways to deal with it.

Let's review some ways to get by our fear of failure.

1. Take into consideration the opportunity that you are missing.

For instance, let's say you desire to be trained to fly but your fear of taking the exam puts a stop to those plans. Now think about just how much you'd love to fly and imagine your life in the event you never had the opportunity. There has got to be a reason you wish to fly in the 1st place. If you can remain focused on the reason why you will find your fears gradually diminish into the background.

2. Research The Alternatives

Think about what things will be like without your private pilot license. Well for starters you will become a frequent flyer on commercial airlines. You won't have the ability to go where you desire to go WHEN you want to go there. You will be at the mercy of others. Of course you will have other options as well. You can drive, ride a train or take a bus. Focus on that, particularly if the very concept of those things is very disagreeable. That will get you over your fear of failure.

3. What's the worst case scenario?

Contemplate what transpires if you fail the private pilot license exam. What is the worst thing that may happen? There's no rule that claims you can't try for a second time. You can still take an additional shot at it. It is not like this is a one time offer. If that were true, there would be a ton of people not driving or flying planes. If you do not pass the test, so what. Actually, it simply means it's going to take a bit longer before you get your private pilot license.

4. Failure has its advantages

Failure is the perfect learning opportunity. By understanding what you did wrong you've got a greater chance of improving on it. Would you rather that you did not fail your examination only because some tutor took pity on you and ended up getting yourself killed since you really weren't prepared to fly?

5. Always have a very good plan B

Know what you are going to try and do next if you do fail. Be ready for the possibility ahead of time by planning extra lessons and more flight time. Just because you don't do well doesn't mean you ought to quit.

6. Be an Action Taker

Jumping in and taking action might help you terminate your fear more rapidly than anything else. Putting things off only enhances your fear. The effect is you get so scared you reach the point where you do not even take the exam.

7. Learn From The Ancient Greeks

You will need to progress ahead if you cannot turn back. Ancient Greeks were alleged to accomplish this by burning their boats. They could not circle back. You too have to find a way to burn your boat. If that means picking up the telephone and scheduling your examination, do it. Don't look back.

If you wish to make your private pilot training less difficult it's essential to have the right tools. And there is computer software existing which will make studying for the private pilot license examination easier. Yow will discover out more by going to

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