Friday, November 9, 2012

Those Darn Raccoons

It seems like anytime something happens in my life I feel compelled to tell everyone about it via a Squidoo lens. Such is the case here.

Here's the situation. Our dog food bowl in the yard seemed to be getting empty awfully fast. This had been going on for a month or so but our dog certainly wasn't getting any fatter. It couldn't have been the neighbors dogs because there's no way for them to get in to or out of our yard. Naturally my first thought was that my dog was sick.

That is until one evening I saw this furry creature wearing a bandit mask coming up to the bowl. A raccoon had been eating all the food.

If I lived in the country I might have gotten out the shotgun and taken care of the problem that way. OK so not really, but it makes me sound big and bad. Anyway, I began researching ways to get rid of raccoons without trapping them. The result (besides the raccoon now being gone) is this lens: Raccoon Repellent.

Go ahead and check it out.

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