Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Garage Sales And Tools

I told you it's been unseasonably warm here so far, and that means there's quite a few garage sales. We don't usually get many of them in the winter but not this year.

Anyway, if you go to garage sales you'll always find a lot of tools. And being the tool nut that I am (my wife says I have a problem), I can't resist looking and maybe buying a few.

But this weekend I came across a radial arm saw. I didn't think they even made them anymore so while standing in the driveway I decided to do some research. Aren't iPhones great?

Anyway, yes they still make them. I know I used to have one but it died and I didn't see any reason to get another. I could do everything this saw could do with other tools I had lying around.

But in the course of my driveway research I realized I hadn't even touched the surface of what could be accomplished with one of these. If I had known all this way back when I probably wouldn't have gotten all those other tools.

OK so that's a lie. I probably would have gotten them anyway. I just wouldn't have needed them.

Wondering what you could do with your old radial arm saw or interested in getting a new one? Check out this Squidoo lens.

Oh and by the way, I ended up getting the saw.
  1. Buy A Radial Arm Saw At Amazon
  2. Why Take Up Room With A Radial Arm Saw?
  3. Craftsman Radial Arm Saw
  4. Delta Radial Arm Saw
  5. Let Jim Howard Show You How To Use Your...
  6. Need Some Blades With That?
  7. Learn More About Your Radial Arm Saw
  8. We Love Comments
  9. What Do You Use A Radial Arm Saw For?
  10. Other Tools You Might Be Interested In
  11. More About Me

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